
Gratitude to those who gave their time to write about my work

Soul Evolution, Distant Dowsing, SRT, Distant Healing and Ongoing Support

I cannot recommend Neil’s work highly enough. It is life transforming. I have had negative energies cleared from my house, myself and my family. I have had a Soul Evolution Session with the supportive elixir and spray and I have had Spiritual Response Therapy. Before working with Neil my life experience was like wallowing, even drowning, at the bottom of a bog, now I feel I can dance on air. I feel joy for the first time. Neil’s work sets you free.

Kate Jardine,  Bournemouth


Soul Evolution, Distant Dowsing, Distant Healing and Ongoing Support

Working with Neil came at a pivotal point in my life. On a more practical level he cleared my apartment which went on to sell above for what I hoped it would, and he cleared my parents' property after which some disagreeable neighbours moved on. Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, he offered me spiritual guidance which has truly helped me integrate with a higher version of self, I am now in the process of following my dreams and vision for the second ‘awakened’ half of my life. I cannot recommend Neil highly enough.

Emily May, Entrepreneur, Harley Street, London


Soul Evolution 

I had an amazing session with Neil. He’s able to unlock deeper truths that are holding you back. No magic bullet but he encouraged me to think and feel harder; a true healer, I highly recommend doing a session with him.

Andrea Basunti, London


Soul Evolution, Distant Dowsing and Ongoing Support

I was in physical pain and low energy for a very long time until I was introduced to Neil Kynaston. He dowsed me and discovered that there were many low level entities living in my house. I engaged him to do a house clearing for me, and exactly a half hour before he began I felt a massive being lift up from the foundations of my house, move up through the house, and then leave. I felt immediate relief - it must have known what was coming next! For a full 28 days, Neil worked on my house, and I just kept feeling better and better. Each night was like an adventure as I met with his team of Angels as they worked on the house, and on me and my family, too. Once the house clearing was finished, it stabilised, and I continued to work with Neil as he balanced my own energy field and taught me how to self-regulate. I am incredibly grateful for the work that he did with me. I recommend him as a high calibre practitioner of great integrity.

Abby Wynne, Author, Dublin, Ireland


Soul Evolution, Distant Dowsing, Distant Healing and Ongoing Support

It’s taken me a few months to write this review, because I was still trying to process how much Neil did for me & my son. We both have ADHD, and our house had 4 negative entities in it. Causing stomach issue, sleepless nights etc. after two sessions each with Neil, our lives have transformed. I didn’t even realise how bad things were, until they weren’t again. I’ve recommended Neil to 8 friends since. Three have been and has equally as effective results. Two are booking in with him soon. It’s the best thing I’ve ever done for myself, and particularly my son! I cannot thank Neil enough.

Tara Richardson, Music Band Portfolio Manager, Harley Street, London


Soul Evolution 

Thank you Neil for a great and very thorough session. Neil helped me identify my assets and find what was no longer serving me. I applied what I learnt straight away, I am hopeful these changes are going to make long-term positive change in my life. Thank you Neil.

Adelya Larsson, London


Soul Evolution 

Neil generously bestowed upon me several gifts during my Soul Evolution session. He really opened my eyes to why I have been so stuck in recurring patterns in my life. I felt like I was really listened to and heard during my session: he gave me his full attention and simply invaluable insight. It was evident that he truly cares above and beyond about his clients’ circumstances. He was truly invested in my situation and providing guidance. I didn’t realise that this session was just what I needed to impart much-needed clarity upon my situation. He really helped me to see the light about how much something so simple was actually affecting every aspect of my life. I highly recommend treating yourself to Neil’s sessions: they are truly an incredible gift anyone would be lucky to receive from someone so uniquely tuned in and intuitive.

Lisa Dispigno, USA


Soul Evolution 

My time with Neil was a life changing experience. He listened to me with no judgement and was able to help me navigate with ease what I wanted achieve out of the session. It was great to be able to talk out loud which as a mother of two I don’t always get the chance to actually hear my own thoughts clearly. As I left, that very same day manifestations of what I had talked about came to life. You come away with a spray and essence drops which to me makes the session really tangible so I felt like I can actually take the work that was done in the room out into the real world. I now have ownership of my goals.

Sophie Middleton, London


Soul Evolution 

Hi Neil, I’m writing to you to let you know that I believe I’m getting better. After our session I had a weird headache that lasted for a couple of days. It felt like a full balloon, heavy. Today (a bit more than 2 weeks after the session) I can definitely say that I'm feeling much better. I feel like I have freed my mind from the thoughts that were invading my head and I feel lighter. I’ve been listening to the audio you recommended every time I feel a bit overwhelmed, and it's working. I’ll keep working on myself and taking the drops and not let myself down. The road is still long but at this time I wanted to thank you for our session.

Daniela Corbo, London


Soul Evolution 

My Soul Evolution Therapy Session with Neil was so enlightening! I felt he was very well connected to higher consciousness and the healing realm and really gave me some deep profound insights in a clear, fully formed way that deeply resonated with me. Neil conveyed a very warm and compassionate energy and I would highly recommend having a session with Neil.

Nancy Yachouh, USA


Soul Evolution, Distant Dowsing, Distant Healing and Ongoing Support

My sister Karolina was very worried about me, as I was going through a rough separation, or rather, I was departing from a relationship which was consuming me completely. I had therapy, but there was always something missing, even though it was helpful, there was no depth in it. I contacted Neil, and our first session was totally unexpected. I had said so many things, that I would not say, just as easily, through tears and all the sorrow, his calmness and exact right questions, ensured me that I was on the right path.

I am not sure how to describe this, what way Neil's work affected me, but it was on all levels. I felt better physically, and the hole in my chest was slowly closing. I have opened my mind to all the possible aspects, to my progress, forgiveness, love, hope, and most of all I have allowed myself to be happy. My house after Distant Dowsing is such a nice place to live, everyone visiting notices it. My family, and friends are benefiting from it, and I am passing Neil's details to everyone I care about, who is stuck in this moment of their life where they don't see a way out.

Patrycja Rogala, Architect, Dublin, Ireland


Distant Dowsing

I met Neil in Goa in February 2020. I told him about my flat I wanted to sell in Goa and that I was having trouble selling the property. I contact Neil again in January 2021 to see if he could clear the issues my property had, my flat felt blocked. Neil confirmed there were many issues that needed clearing. The work took three weeks and he told me it would take 4/5 months to sell once the clearing was completed. 5 months later my property sold after a couple of years on the market. I was sceptical of the work. I am grateful my flat sold in very challenging times in Covid-19 restrictions. Thank you Neil for the work you did for me.

Adriano Ticozelli, Pizzeria Owner, Italy


Soul Evolution

Working with Neil added a new dimension to the healing journey. His use of dowsing, asking questions, and intuiting into a person provides the information for creating an ingestible formula and external spray to assist the soul along its path. His presence is very calming and you are at ease.

Frannie Santo, USA


Soul Evolution, Distant Dowsing and Ongoing Support

I got in touch with Neil through my friend Karolina who had worked with him in India. In a time of my life where I needed answers and was realising yet again my attraction for toxic love relationship dynamics, I knew something was trying to teach me something I had to learn, hopefully once and for good. I wanted to break free from this, and I got in touch with Neil in a perfect time. I also believe perfect comes your way, when you are ready to learn more and are ready to grow and let go.

I took Neil’s Soul Evolution Sessions and Distant Dowsing house clearing and it was quite powerful. I felt the energy inside my chest. I really felt the power surge from reclaiming my power. It was intense, and deeply needed, it almost feels like I came out on the other side having shed old skins and discovered more of my true-self. Emotions came along for sure, and every day felt like coming home to myself and pulling back my energy inside myself. In a way I can say that it gave me more tools and confidence to live and make choices from a centred place rather than being pulled in situations where I adapt and forget what I need and want. Thank you Neil, my drops are almost finished and even though sometimes the ride is still rough, I always come back to myself in a much gentler way.

Mariel Manuel, Designer, Switzerland and Paris


Soul Evolution and Ongoing Support
I can't begin to say how much your wise words and thoughts have guided me. Quite suddenly my life fell apart and became a living hell; the rug was pulled from under me and I went into free fall. Neil helped me through this very dark phase, without his presence in my life I'm not sure how I would have navigated the tricky times; he gave me perspective, clarity and wisdom and helped me stay centred throughout the chaos.

Neil started with Distant Dowsing which I was unfamiliar with at the time, then I became aware how powerful his support was. I relied on him for guidance and therapy to help me make sense of things and stop panicking about the worst case scenario. He is extremely easy to talk to and offers a voice of calm spiritual reasoning which was precisely what I needed to help me accept what was happening and to process it all in a peaceful way.

After every FaceTime call with him I felt a million times better, I felt like I could handle life again, I felt confident in my own thoughts again. He really helped me from losing my mind, I’m eternally grateful to him.

Fiona Mcleod, Retreat Director, Medagedara, Sri Lanka


Soul Evolution

I met Neil in Goa before this super weird time in mid ​M​arch​ 2020​. We met up again in ​A​pril and I decided to ​have​ a ​Soul Evolution ​session. I got the feeling that the session made me feel and see things and ​my ​relations​hips​ I was living ​through ​in a ​less rose-tinted perspective, more from a real place. The process was not so easy ​for me to witness myself. ​Half a year later I can say it ​has ​helped me on my way​ considerably​. I would recommend a ​Soul Evolution ​session with Neil if you're not afraid to go further​ into knowing yourself deeper.

Arturo Roots, Yoga and Massage Therapist, Normandy


Soul Evolution and Ongoing Support

I reached out to Neil when I was feeling really low and stuck about a relationship breakup 6 months before. I was struggling to accept the end of this relationship and process all the sudden changes in my life. I was unable to focus on the work I needed to do. I became self-destructive and to my disappointment I was unable to fight my negativity despite all the tools I had.

Neil helped me process and remove my negative energy patterns and helped me to get my personal power back. I was only in my power 20% of the time, giving my power away 80%. No wonder I was so low and depressed. I felt a shift straight away after we had worked together and felt extremely tired. I had been exhausting myself for months without nourishment. I was determined to get my power back so I committed to the process Neil suggested which I completed in 4 days (it was up to me how long it could take). I revisited all the emotions that I had to let go of. I felt really tired, dizzy and resistant at first but started to lighten up.

Neil was very supportive and encouraging throughout. I finished the process of soul retrieval in the evening of the 4th day and I felt completely exhausted. I slept straight away to wake up to a bright new day without any negativity, foggy head or obsessive thoughts. Instead, I was highly energised. Amazing. I thought I would never get out of this tunnel of darkness!

I am so grateful to be able to get on with my life, to enjoy my own company again and be social with others. Not being in a constant state of conflict or anger. I got back into my healthy routines and I feel positive about life again despite the difficulties of the times. What an incredible gift you can give to people Neil, thank you.

Efi Dementi, Actress, Athens


Distant Dowsing, Distant Dowsing Training and Ongoing Support

Since moving into my boyfriend's house 3 years ago I suffered from IBS, depression, apathy and overwhelm. I could not ground or organise myself in this new house. As well as high levels of stress, anxiety and paranoia, my relationship turned into a mudslinging match where we screamed abuse at each other, it was very ugly. All this behaviour and symptoms were unusual to me. In fact, not me at all!

Then, a cat came to stay with me, it got ill and died quickly. This triggered a lightbulb moment where I realised there was something wrong with the house and land, not me.

Luckily, I found Neil who has performed life changing work on this land and our home. It is a miracle. Now It feels good to be here and all tensions have disappeared. My mental state and health are improving daily and I can ground myself now on this property. Thank God!! I am sighing with relief after thinking the past problems were all my fault and yet I could find little cause for them. Life is so much more than we think. Thank you, Angels and Neil, for helping me!

Sarah Lee Sylvester, Homeopath, Ireland


Soul Evolution

It's interesting how life sends you things in the right moment. When I met Neil, I was having in my mind some concerns about protection for some days. He explained what he does; I was a little sceptical, but at the same time he inspired trust. I decided to give a session a try. I am surprised of how accurate he was while telling me things about myself. The last part when he uses cards was even more surprising because it summarised what I was looking for in the session. The rest I can't tell now, I'll see as time goes on, but it has been a deep experience up to now. Thank you and hope you continue helping others.

Matias Surface, Engineer, Argentina


Soul Evolution, Distant Dowsing, Distant Dowsing Training and Ongoing Support

It is rather difficult to describe the experience with Neil. Perhaps for those who never dived into any sort of spiritual practice my testimony might sound simply “hippie." However, those who are familiar with any possible techniques of deepening self-awareness, let it be meditation, yoga, sound healing, breath work, etc. Can definitely resonate with what I am about to say.

I am on the self-discovery journey since some years - since I got sick and quit my job in fancy realms of fashion. I got shaken by life and started to see things that are not nourishing my body and soul. I’ve practiced various techniques, the more I’ve released, the more came up to the surface. At certain point, very dark experiences, I realised I needed help from the Universe. Some layers of resistance made me think that there’s more than just this life - there’s the karmic weight upon me... few synchronicities and I was sitting in front of Neil quite broken.

And...what a relief! He’s not a hippie haha. During the whole time it was so reassuring to have him speaking clearly, joyfully and I felt immediate support right there. What is happening since I can’t deny. There’s stability but insistent change occurring in my life. Past has become gentle and allowing me to work with Spirit. There are points in everyone’s life that can be clearly described as life changing experience. This session with Neil is my stepping stone for that.

Karolina Piech, Fashion designer, Poland


Soul Evolution

Today I went to visit an alchemist. I would just like to say that usually I do not use this form of healing, it’s just my mistrust in something that seems a bit outside my usual comfort zone. So, let me tell you about my experience. My first meeting with Neil made me immediately relaxed and comfortable. I could see immediately he is a professional. His demeanour and surroundings were indicative of a person who is both professional and serious about his work.

I relaxed into his mode of therapy and allowed him to dig deep into my psyche and trusting his questions that opened me up very easily.

It was an incredible journey of surrender to a being who calls upon his higher self to make each diagnosis. All with pinpoint accuracy. Amazingly precise and to the point. I allowed myself to just be and with this I felt an amazing calm and knowledge that I was indeed in the right place at the right time. A birthday present to myself. A timely much needed assessment of a heavy weight that has been with me for unexplainable amount of time, for too long, and he nailed it.

After a few weeks I can now say that I have noticed changes. Well, the first weeks were like a battle in my head, something was shifting and I was not going to allow it to shift that easily. It’s a gentle process of understanding, there was no feeling of guilt or shame. Even though I feel I am still fighting about not wanting to let go, I do not feel bad that I have not. Every day things happen that show me how easily I can change and everyday I find myself realising it’s so simple, but still clinging on to these emotions I seem to have become addicted to.

I am now embarking on the healing process. I am confident that Neil has a well-practiced and proven method of accessing the divine energy for anyone who needs help in matters they feel are completely confused with and mentally worn down by.

Nigel Murlis, Fashion, London


Soul Evolution, Distant Dowsing, Distant Healing and Ongoing Support

Neil is an exceptional person who has the ability to make fundamental differences energetically to people and places. Many would not believe in curses or bad energy but we all get a vibe from somewhere... that uncomfortable feeling in certain places and situations. Neil clears the space for light and goodness to enter, removes the bleak oppressive darkness and anxiety of feelings of unease and offers the chance to be set free.

Neil cleared two properties for me, one was very bad where it had been cursed where others had failed, offering the occupants a feeling of peace and rest after many years of difficulty and oppression. The process works on many levels offering a must have opportunity that should be prioritised above everything. Neil is understated in his talent and I am truly grateful for his help. Anyone experiencing difficulties will almost certainly see and feel the difference from his work.

Dawn Stelle Dorrell, Lawyer, Romford


Soul Evolution

I have received 2 Sessions with Neil within 5 months. Both times I was amazed by the precision of the dowsing which was very accurate. I could feel the power of the connection established with the Higher Spirit throughout the process. I am looking forward to seeing the durable Soul Evolution Elixir support me. I'm also hoping it is going to continue supporting me for several weeks that follow. I am really grateful to have allowed myself to get into this very unique experience and healing process.

Aurélie Lafitte, Dietitian, Paris


Soul Evolution

Soul Evolution...What does that mean? What does a Soul Evolution session involve? How is a 2 hour session going to ‘Evolve my Soul’? Ok ok, I can be a little sceptical at times, but as the curious soul that I am, and after a series of synchronicities which guided me to book in with Neil, I found myself knocking on the door of his place in India. I was warmly welcomed in and given tea and time to settle into the space. I purposely didn’t read any info on the website, or talk to too many people before hand to ensure I didn’t carry an expectations. The session flowed very naturally and I found it to be really powerful. Neil worked to help me clear and realise some of my personal blockages. He uses dowses to get a picture of what needs to change and combines essences and into his healing work.

I’m not sure how it all works, but that’s the beauty, we don’t need to know why to transform. The difference I feel in my body and mind is remarkable, I have more energy and know something in me has shifted. Everyday feels more powerful and I’m excited to see what unfolds. Highly recommend!

Beth James, Somatic Facilitator, Dorset


Soul Evolution

I'm not sure if Neil actually realises this, but I think he may be a magician.  Not in the hocus-pocus sense of the word, but as in, a true walker between the worlds with an ability to effortlessly and easily shift energies, blocks and entanglements beyond the time, space, continuum.  Neil is also a genuinely kind and generous person, who really listens and hears without judgement and responds from a place of pure heart.

Shifting deep seams of karma could have come with lots of cloak, smoke, bells and whistles, but what was so magical with Neil is that it was like having an ordinary, but lovely conversation.  He is very down to earth and systematic in his approach, which is reassuring and helps to settle any agitative energies around the momentous shift that is about to happen. You can trust him absolutely; I do and I am excited to expand into what is now possible for me.  Thank you, Neil.

Natasha Wardle, Operations Director, Chalice Well Trust, Glastonbury


Distant Dowsing

Our house is feeling wonderful and we were able to complete the construction work. It had been such a struggle for so many years - what a miracle it is finished! My mom has also moved into her home and is very happy after a long chaotic remodel. Definitely a testament to the energies realigning and allowing things to come to completion. Thank you for your powerful work Neil on both our homes.

Annah Taylor Phinny, Ryan Robert Russell and Katherine Burr Bacon, California


Distant Dowsing and Soul Evolution

Neil you are an inspiration and have personally made such a difference in my life, your Distant Dowsing and Soul Evolution sessions made an immediate difference to me and my home. It bought me back to my faith and my love of yoga. There is no doubt you have helped me to evolve through this crisis and I completely recommend you to everyone.

Simone Hindmarch, Managing Director, Commercial Group, Cheltenham


Soul Evolution and Ongoing Support

Over the years I’ve known Neil, personally as well as professionally, I’ve always known him to show up with depth and integrity. My session with him was an eye opener for me and his energy is welcoming and at the same time deeply tuned in. He works intuitively and I felt gently guided throughout. It’s given me a lot of clarity going forward and also reassurance about things I’d been battling with for a while. Thanks Neil, I’d wholeheartedly recommend your services.

Arina Borowski, School Teacher, New Zealand


Soul Evolution 

Sitting down with Neil was an amazing investment of time and energy; it is clear that he loves and knows his craft. His connection with Spirit is strong and inviting, and he leverages that connection to provide considerate and tailor-made insight. Following a recent series of tower moment-like endings in my life, it was great to work with Neil to develop an elixir that will aid in my releasing of energies that no longer serve me to step into a new age of abundance and joy. We even had time for a brief and compassionate cord-cutting exercise to make sure that my recent ex is disconnected from me fully in a healthy way. If you are seeking an enjoyable way to further connect with and free your soul from blocks, participate in a Soul Evolution session. You'll walk away feeling excited for what comes next in your life and better equipped to live in your Divine truth.

Dillon C. Harvey, Tarot Card Reader and Reiki Master, USA


Soul Evolution

After being originally sceptical of the Soul Evolution process, I am so pleased I went ahead with the session with Neil. Having suffered for years with a sense of fear holding me back, I have come away from the session with a renewed sense of self-belief. The session itself was extremely interesting as well as relaxing with Neil talking you through the whole process. I could not recommend this process highly enough for anyone feeling a little stuck in overcoming some of life's challenges.

Georgia McMillan, London


Distant Dowsing and Soul Evolution

I am writing these grateful words to Neil as I truly appreciate his work and how it helped me and my house. I experienced the dowsing in person and at a distance, with my new home. I must say that many feelings got cleared out, blaming, sadness, angriness. I felt released and much more centred within myself. My new house has a peaceful energy, and a sense of order. Thank you so much for your work and help Neil.

Irene Sofia Gonzalez, Doctor, Spain


Soul Evolution

I was very happy to receive this Soul Evolution session with Neil at my retreat centre in Goa. It has had a very positive impact on me, made me happy inside, and uplifted my mood and spirit. I feel a big shift and I’m much less serious. I had pinpointed mental disturbance and self-doubt as key areas I needed to change. My five friends who watched the session also found it fascinating!! Thank you Neil. I am taking my Soul Evolution Elixir five times a day, three drops each time.

Vikas Mangotra, India


Distant Dowsing, Soul Evolution and Ongoing Support

My Soul Evolution session with Neil drove me to action almost immediately by actively looking for a career change that aligns with my soul's values and by taking ownership of my feminine power and ability to lead. I cannot wait to see how it all unfolds in the coming months. Thank you!

Elena Avesani, Sustainability, Italy


Soul Evolution

Ordinarily my approach to self-development has been undertaken via psychotherapy or practices where healing is dependent on my initiative, so I’ve been a little hesitant about allowing unquantifiable energy practices from outside myself to preside over my healing process as if I might be in some subtle way be giving my power away, but I’d been feeling suffocated by my circumstances and trapped in my consciousness all through last year, and not seeing any obvious way forward, I felt on impulse drawn to try expanding my psychic consciousness to shift this state of inertia with NK’s Soul Evolution session. Leaving my ‘Doubting Thomas’ outside the door, I went with an open mind and heart to embrace what might arise from the session but had no expectations.

During the dowsing, I felt curious synchronicity at work which resonated with my current circumstances. I wasn’t granted any immediate revelations during the session but two days later, as I was bedding down to sleep, I was suddenly thrown into a stream of consciousness that lasted for around three hours. It was almost like I was put into a trance and was downloading a heightened state of psychic connection to a deeper plane of my psyche. It helped me come to terms with the choices I’d made in life and gave me the conviction for where my path lay henceforth.

I’d given up following a conventional career fairly early on in life, and this choice has consistently earned me quite a lot of condemnation and judgement. I come to expect this attitude from society in general but what has been more difficult to adjust to is disapproval harboured by people I have been close to. These judgements have affected me like a constant background hum of oppressive energy that has undermined my faith in my creative talents. The insight that was gifted to me during this night was that I had been too long attached to certain relationships which were not resonating at a soul level and thereby stifling my creative life and holding me back. I sensed that I maintained these relationships out of a sense of love, duty and obligation and I have been worried and guilty about the repercussions of letting go of these relationships. The insight I received was that actually I could detach from the confinement of these ties without any fallout and to do so would be honouring the soul path of not just myself but also the path of others, as my unconventional lifestyle was also subconsciously hampering their confidence and security in their life choices. Letting go of these attachments would help the sense of self-confidence and belief both for them and myself, and in so doing I would enable the release of the genie of my creativity. What I’d imagined was a difficult and complex psychological entanglement felt actually quite uncomplicated to resolve in practice. Something about the directness of dowsing in connection to the Higher Self initiates a sense of calm simplicity around enabling resolution. Having reached this decision, I was flooded with a pervasive sense of relief that a burden I’d carried most of my life could be lifted off my chest and I could imbibe an oceanic breath of pure life force.

The Soul Evolution session somehow managed to cut to the core of many of the psychic issues that I was feeling oppressed by. Fundamentally it targeted my lack of trust in universal consciousness. I feel strangely expanded right now and trusting that I can fulfil my creative potential.

Neil feels like a down-to-earth no-nonsense guy. His dowsing method gets straight to the point and bypassed a lot of white-noise going on in my mind and feelings with incisive aplomb. In the following days, I was able to digest the session in small soundbites and slowly assimilate and integrate the information. It’s opened me up a whole new realm of perceptual reality and I’m curious to investigate further.

The Soul Evolution session proved a sensorial liberation for me, and I can vouch for it tapping into a subtle but lucid channel of psychic awakening. I believe there’s a propitious moment in time to delve into Pandora’s box. At the beginning of a new chapter in my life, I feel I have undergone a transformative psychic alignment which feels both calming and auspicious.

My heartfelt thanks to Neil for channelling this experience for me.

Demetri Grey, Carpenter, Devon


Soul Evolution 

I had wanted to ask for a divorce from my husband but couldn’t find the courage to do so. Neil cleared my blocks to positive expression and the next day, I did ask for the divorce. I had been unable to move forward, to make changes and not only did I find new courage but new energy and positivity. I was also able to stop smoking with the use of the healing patterns. A life-enhancing session.

Martha Loewy, Director, Fashion, Switzerland


Distant Dowsing and Soul Evolution

Since Neil started to clear the energy in my flat, I felt the difference immediately. It is not an easy thing to quantify. I felt the air in the flat was different. I see the flat through new eyes. I have gradually felt a stronger respect for my flat and gratitude for how it has served me, and also a growing realisation that I had felt overly attached to it and that it is possible that I can let go and move on now. I had been more and more stuck in a place of believing the only safe place was my flat and hiding there, feeling depressed and wanting to be at home. Since the flat clearing, things have shifted enormously. As the flat healed, I felt I started to make decisions that have helped me move out of depression and into more aliveness. I am surprised by this experience and would now have any new home cleared by Neil.

During the Soul Evolution session with Neil I felt held with a delicate balance of sensitivity and simplicity. The trust with which he tuned into a higher power and the consequent clarity with which he imparted this to me felt authentic. He held a safe, open space for a co-created session. I went away, eager to take my carefully mixed Soul Evolution Elixir and to take on the other commitments to myself that had revealed themselves during the session.

Jo-Anne N, Massage Therapist, London


Soul Evolution

Thank you so much Neil, for a heartfelt and practical Soul Evolutionary healing at the Chalice Well Healing Weekend yesterday. You were spot on in reading my life situation integrating various aspects of my life into one. I now have vision, methods and direction to assist me in moving forward with your healing. Also, the card reading you gave at the end of the session blew me away; it completely summarised the healing. I couldn’t believe it! Thank you again for a wonderful experience, and also for the personal healing essence remedy you made for me, a beautiful touch for my ongoing soul support! I have already recommended you to a lady I know!

Amma Jane Stevens, Holistic Therapist, Glastonbury


Soul Evolution

I found the Soul Evolution session a really powerful experience. I really enjoyed the session itself and experienced a lot of great healing and Neil held a really great space for much-needed clarity to unfold. It also gave me a much-needed kick up the arse, which allowed the balance I had found so hard to bring into my life, just flowing with effortless ease very quickly in the days afterwards. This has continued in the time since with my path much clearer, and life feeling more abundant on many levels. This is a session I would HIGHLY recommend!

Additionally, to help support my spiritual and emotional growth further, Neil gave me a very powerful statement to say, to help me bring back wholeness and more personal power, also to reclaim any energy that I have given away to people which in turn could be blocking me, and stopping me living my fullest life, bringing me what I want and feel I truly deserve. He dowsed the amount of times that I needed to say it, and I’ve always found his dowsing highly accurate and the impact of this showed that once again, he had very clearly and intuitively tuned in with the amount of time’s I would need to say the statement, as both the process and outcome felt amazing and really seemed to align me with the energy held within the beautiful intention of the words. I said the statement several times regularly over a two-day period and I experienced what can only be described as a very powerful release.

I had previously been considering some cord cutting work, and this was it, as it came at just the right time and completely met my energetic desires and intentions. I really feel the power of this special prayer has helped me to feel more self-empowered and I could very quickly feel a strong re-calibration of my energy, feeling more whole and with a lot of new clear awareness. It has also left me feeling much stronger and centred within myself. Amazingly powerful!

Charlotte Nolan, Yoga Teacher, London


Soul Evolution

I had a Soul Evolution session with Neil at the Chalice Well, Glastonbury. The work we did was deeply engaging and got to clear some energy patterns that I was holding around, self-acceptance, stepping into my power as a trans human. Neil also helped me establish a mantra that was specific to my needs. The Elixir I received from Neil was very supportive over the following weeks and his work and healing inspired me to become a Reiki Master and begin my own healing/healer journey to support others. Thank you, Neil.

James Ribchester, Reiki Master, Chalice Well, Glastonbury


Distant Dowsing

I am a landlord and I have used Neil on several occasions to clear problematic properties. I have always been happy with the results and have found him a pleasure to work with.

Elliott Ford, Property Developer, London


Soul Evolution

Neil is an excellent listener and he can weave his many years of rich and powerful experiences in multiple disciplines such as body and energy work, sports coaching and meditation to help with any life issues or empower one to lead a truer life that leads to the deepest satisfaction.

Dharma Patel, Fund Manager, London


Soul Evolution, Distant Dowsing and Ongoing Support

Neil is a well guided healer of energies. Not only is he able to cleanse energies inside a property but also the land the property stands on and the people and animals that live inside. For me, it’s been a holistic, wholesome experience of healing and feeling more grounded in my home in London and myself. His Soul Evolution session has also been a great support in this. I would say Joy, Love, and Respect are strengthened thanks to his work and since my husband and myself both work from home, there is definitely less stickiness and more flow. Thank you.

My mother tried to rent out an apartment to guests for six months in Austria, it seemed in balance energetically, but when we asked Neil to have a look, he immediately found a painting that had some bad vibes to it or as he said it was cursed. As soon as Neil cleared the painting, the week after, the flat was rented out after six months of absence of a tenant.

Neil has also cleansed a piece of land in Croatia we have been trying to build a house on for years. It was not possible due to many circumstances, and since Neil has done his magic and healing, construction started and we now have a roof already and no significant issues anymore. We are most grateful.

Johanna Salm-Stromeyer, Chair of The Movement Medicine Association, London/Austria/Croatia


Soul Evolution 

The work I did with Neil felt totally genuine and very generous and supportive. At the time I was seeking your support, my inner life was in real turmoil. Following the healing work, most of the heaviness went away instantly and my solar plexus relaxed. I thank you for your generous work.

Javier Rodriguez, Visual Artist, Greece


Distant Dowsing

I had slept badly for several months in my flat in London. Neil and I had been friends for several years and I spoke with him about my fears and not knowing what to do! Neil did some work on my flat in London, as well as my house in Sicily, he also worked on my mother’s flat and her two country houses in Sicily. I am so grateful for the work Neil has done on all of my families houses and have felt the instant benefits as I am now sleeping very well and feel safe in the flat again as does my mother. Thank you, Neil.

Franchesca Rubulotta, Doctor, Sicily


Soul Evolution

I had an essence consultation with Neil at the beginning of September 2018 and was struck by his kind and intuitive approach. By asking a few relevant questions and using cards, he was able to get straight to the heart of the issue I was dealing with and prescribed a very supportive combination of essences for me to take. I have been taking them ever since and find them gentle but at the same time powerful in reaching the issue and giving me healing and support.  Thank you, Neil, for your help and understanding.

Susannah Mitchell, Therapist, Glastonbury


Soul Evolution

Neil has an amazing direct approach. His instinct and skilled communication led him straight to the core of my problem. Along with his caring demeanour and knowledge of essences, I certainly felt more positive and able to move forward from what was holding me back after our consultation and I had taken the remedy. Thank you, Neil.

Leigh Bolland, Accounts Manager, Glastonbury